T. Fitzgerald
State Reconstruction of Highly Flexible Structures
A novel geometrically-exact formulation of a finite element solid based on a Biot stress and strain law
Intrinsic Localized P-Mode in Forced Nonlinear Oscillator Array
Effects of Uniaxial Tensile Strain on Moth Wings Through Digital Image Correlation
Continuation Method on Cumulant Neglect Equations
Towards Capturing the Mechanics of Insect Flight
Motion estimation of a highly deforming body from voxel clouds
Large motion visualization and estimation for fluid-structure simulations
Geometrically Exact Planar Beams with Initial Pre-stress and Large Curvature: Static Configurations, Natural Frequencies, and Mode Shapes
Response localization in micro-scale oscillator arrays: influence of cubic coupling nonlinearities
Partitioned fluid-structure interaction scheme for bodies with high flexibility
GPGPU implementation and benchmarking of the unsteady vortex lattice method
Flapping Aerodynamics in Ground Effect
A comparison of computational models for fluid-structure interaction of flexible flapping wing systems
Flexible Flapping Systems: Computational Investigations into Fluid-Structure Interactions
Thin Flapping Wings: Structural Model and Fluid-Structure Interactions
Flexible Hovering Wing Motions: Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Analysis
Influence of flexibility on the aerodynamic performance of a hovering wing
Nonlinear Flapping Dynamics: Effects of Flexibility and Kinematics
Nonlinear Flapping Dynamics: Reduced Order Modeling
The effects of flexibility on the performance of flapping airfoils